
Designed for students looking to expand professional opportunities as performers and private teachers, 皇冠投注网’s 音乐表演硕士 program provides students with the necessary framework to build a meaningful career in music. 该学位由两到三年的课程组成, and includes ample opportunities for participation in 皇冠投注网’s ensembles. 所有的课程都是由皇冠投注的领导教师在音乐授课, many of which utilize collaborative technologies to allow for a flexible, 混合学位计划. Students also find opportunities to teach through the 皇冠投注 社区 艺术 School and perform frequently as solo and ensemble musicians.


  • 铜管乐器(小号,圆号,长号,小号,大号)
  • 打击乐器
  • 钢琴
  • 弦乐(贝斯、大提琴、吉他、竖琴、中提琴、小提琴)
  • 木管乐器(大管,单簧管,长笛/短笛,双簧管,萨克斯管)
  • 的声音